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Tagged With: Ecuador Info

Pictures taken of the Earthquake’s Destruction


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Pictures of the Covenant’s efforts to provide relief for those on the coast

Pictures of the Covenant’s efforts in Ecuador to distribute relief to those affected by the recent earthquake. The Youth of the Covenant’s Northern Coast conference is doing the heavy lifting in distributing the relief to those in need, while goods

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Earthquake hits Ecuadorian coast

Last evening at approximately 7:00 p.m. an earthquake shook all of Ecuador.  The quake measured 7.8 and hit on the coast near the town of Pedernales where we have a Covenant community.  This size quake is the largest Ecuador has
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Our Medical Clinic Officially opens

On Monday, April 11th our Medical Clinic in Cayambe, Ecuador officially opened to the public!!!  After almost two years from starting in Ecuador, the first ministry in our two part project has commenced.  After almost ten years of constructing the …

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Clinic staff is being formed

It was an exciting day yesterday that during our weekly Wednesday meeting, we welcomed some of our staff to the team.

In the final picture from left to right you see, Dr. Abimael Hernandez, Nancy Morales (who is helping us

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Simeon turns 6!!!

Last week, we got to celebrate Simeon as he turned 6!  The festivities started by taking Simeon to a water park with his friends and then concluded with a party back at our apartment, which included a “surprise” egg hunt

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A Visit from Times Past

We had the unique and wonderful opportunity to meet and host former Covenant Missionary Marlan Enns.  Marlan is 94 and was one of the original Covenant missionaries to open the Ecuadorian field.  He planted the Covenant’s first church, Iglesia Betel

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Long Time Coming by Jess Delp

_Jess_Simeon Jess_Oyacachi Jess_Swing

(This is a reflection shared by Jess Delp who volunteered with the Santiago Partnership for two weeks in July 2015)

First off, I want to apologize for the embarrassingly late post. Unfortunately a few things came up that had to

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South American Missionary Retreat

This past week we had the pleasure of hosting all of the missionaries from South America (Colombia and Ecuador) as well as many folks from Chicago for a Missionary Retreat.  It was a wonderful time of connecting, sharing, praying, and

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Smoking Cotopaxi

The Volcano Cotopaxi remains active in south Quito.  This morning on the way taking Simeon to school this was the view we had.


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