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Prayer Requests

Currently experiencing technical difficulties…

We just needed to let you know that we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, as the saying goes.  Our laptop (and only computer) is falling apart and though we bought it only 6 months ago, HP doesn’t want to help …

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Immediate Prayer Requests!

We have two immediate prayer requests this morning.  First off, we have an appointment at 11:00 a.m. Central Time today with the Ecuadorian Consulate in Chicago to get our two year Missionary Visas.  Please pray that everything goes well.  If …

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Please pray!!!

Our paperwork from Ecuador has still not showed up.  Please pray!!!  We will probably have to have it resent.  We have to have this paperwork in order to get our Visas.  We are little bit over two weeks away from …

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Quick Update and Prayer Request!

Sorry it has to be a quick update but we are amidst a week and a half intensive training event in Chicago (from 8 a.m. to 6 or 7 p.m. everyday in Chicago).  It’s great, but definitely has us worn …

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