Brasil – uma passagem rápida, mas muito especial!

10610634_10152937165238825_7712724861933765366_nQue alegria esta passagem pelo Brasil!

De fato, sempre é bom rever amigos e familiares.

 Passamos excelentes dias combinando apresentações do Projeto Japão, bons encontros com amigos, bates papos informais do dia a dia, muita família e viagens.

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Estás aí Senhor? Novembro 2014

Quando passares pelas águas, Eu serei contigo; quando, pelos rios, eles não te 117submergirão; quando caminhares pelo fogo, não te queimarás, nem a chama arderá em ti. Isaías 43: 2

Eu ouvi recentemente sobre um homem chamado John O’Leary . …

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Are you there God? November 2014

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not …

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Vision trip in Japan!

IMG_3127A few months ago I got an exciting email from Japan Covenant team inviting me for a vision trip in Japan.

I just came back home and had a wonderful time meeting Japan Covenant pastors, leaders and Covenant World Mission …

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Calgary and Canadian Covenant Conference, 2014

2We thank Canadian Covenant for inviting us for their conference. Thanks Jeff!

Thanks for asking us questions and giving us the opportunity to share and talk about Project Japan. Thank you!

We both have a very special place in our …

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Working good things for good! October 2014

Romans 8:28 The Message:

That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into 1something good.

It was a routine situation. We’ve been doing it for about a year. We …

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Coisas boas colaborando para o bem! Outubro 2014‏

Romanos 8:28 Mensagem:

Pois sabemos que todas as coisas trabalham juntas para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus,1 daqueles a quem Ele chamou de acordo com o seu plano.

Era mais uma situação de rotina. Nós temos feito isto …

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Calendário – outubro/ Calendar – october


* 04 de outubro: Calgary, Canadá (visitaremos a Sarah e a sua filhinha. O Fabio a conheceu em 2004 em Toronto. Estamos contentes de conhecê-las e será uma alegria para o Fabio e Sarah se reverem. Estaremos também no …

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Make your life your mission!

makeyourlifeMake Your Life Your Mission and Your Mission Your Life
Matthew 28:20 and 1 Cor 9:19-23 (especially The Message version)

PART I – Matthew 28:20
Therefore go and make disciples…
Which of the verbs is in the indicative?  We think …

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Coffee House at Floodgates Community Church

coffee shop concertAnnouncing: Join us this Saturday 9/27/14 at 7pm for a time of coffee, dessert, and music. Special guest that evening will be Johnna and Fabio Muniz.  Hope to see everyone there invite your friends and family.

Here is the address: …

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