Erik and I just returned this week from an unbelievably wonderful 10 day trip to Seattle. It was LONG overdue to visit family and friends there as well as breathing some good Pacific Northwest fresh air and being outdoors as …
Entering Ministry Phase One (and all of the acronyms.)
If the copious amount of tears that we shed as we were dropped off at the airport by our beloved entourage weren’t enough of a sign, our visit to Ecuador in February left us with no doubts that this was …
Seed Packets
Some of you may be wondering what to do with the seed pack that came with our letter.
The seeds are a mixture of herbs and fast growing veggies which may include:
-Garlic Chives
-Genovese Basil
-Mustard Greens
Our 10 Year History in Ecuador
In September of 2004 Kristina and I both boarded a plane to Quito to spend our first year of college at Covenant Bible College(CBC), a one year
discipleship program. We had met 2 years earlier in Japan and had kept …
Our Deep Gladness and the World’s Deep Hunger
Since all four of our parents are involved in Covenant World Mission and Kristina grew up as a missionary kid in Japan,Our you might assume that Covenant World Mission was the next obvious step for us. The truth is that …
About Erik and Kristina
Hi! We are Erik and Kristina Amundsen, and we are excited to be going to Ecuador with Covenant World Mission.
But first, here is a little bit about us from the very beginning:
Kristina (Husby) was born in the US …