Claiming Victory

This past weekend we had the pleasure of visiting La Victoria Covenant Church in Manta, Ecuador. This is one of the largest cities in the country and one of the hardest hit places from the earthquake that occurred last April …

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Let Your Grace Rain

img_3732We’ve all heard about “worship wars”, where churches are forced to create extra services to accommodate the varying worship style preferences in a congregation. This seems to mostly be a “first world problem”, and often refers mostly to the musical …

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Field Trip

IMG_3127Friends, rejoice with us! It’s not very often that plans come through so successfully as anticipated. Like we have mentioned before, it’s much more common that plans change, and things fall through. That’s why we are so thrilled that this …

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El Salinerito

Taking advantage of a slow season, coupled with the coinciding of friends visiting, our wedding anniversary, my impending birthday, and a particularly easy and energetic second trimester of pregnancy we decided it was the perfect time to take a short …

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A time for everything

If May was a whirlwind, June was a bit sluggish.

We started the month without a vehicle for a while which forced us to lay low and get work done around the house. Then some sudden and unexpected leadership changes …

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Mixing it Up

As we reel from two strong aftershocks in the past 18 hours (6.8 and 6.9) following the earthquake that happened a month ago, I am even more glad for last week’s change of pace and scenery. Erik and I were …

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Earthquake Report #1

I just want to give an initial, and possibly scattered report on what is happening currently from our point of view collaborating with IPEE (The Covenant Church of Ecuador) in the earthquake relief efforts in the last couple of days. 

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Around Holy Week in Ecuador you won’t be able to miss the special dish, called Fanesca offered only during the days leading up to Easter and unique to this country. It is an elaborate, rich stew that is labor intensive …

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