Ultimate Advocate

Post a Comment » Written on October 25th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories
This is the final posting by Gricel Medina as chairperson of the Commission for Biblical Gender Equality. We extend our great appreciation for her leadership, her service to the CBGE, her regular contributions to this blog, and for her advocacy for women in ministry and in leadership. It is no surprise that her last post as our leader is about advocacy.

submitted by:
Gricel Medina

Advocate 1

An advocate publicly supports. It does not hide in shame or timidity.

Advocates speak!
Advocates plead!
Advocates argue in favor of!

Advocacy is a mission of Jesus.
HE is… the Ultimate Advocate!


…we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
1 John 2:1

In these times of change, transitions and even uncertainty… the need to advocate for Biblical Gender Equality remains stronger than ever. Women continue to need advocates at all levels of leadership. Why? One of the reasons is that we have a new generation of church planters and churches. Another reason is that we have so few visible women in positions of authority.

CBGE is affirming those who will advocate for women. Those who will hold ministry doors open for women to step into with confidence. Advocates who can come against the enemies of jealousy, envy, adversarial competition and political agendas (and yes, politics exist in the church). CBGE celebrates advocates who create models of collaboration, team work, coaching and mentoring women in leadership.

I am encouraged to see women in a spiritual awakening concerning the importance of advocacy. God has always opened doors for women. Unfortunately, women have not always advocated for each other for various reasons. We often forget how important it is to advocate. Advocacy is inspiring when you see women who are now settling charted territory as Senior Pastors, Church Planters and Superintendents. It is also inspiring to see how God is using women behind the pulpits of our churches. Women are leading us in powerful encounters of worship. Women are writing compelling books along with articles that are holding the church to a higher level of accountability. Women are now becoming sought after mentors of men and women. They are compelling preachers and teachers within the church. It is exciting to see the ministry of women spiritual directors grow within the church.

These are exciting days for women. Called, gifted, talented, innovative and strategic women are coming to the forefront and making their mark. Women are boldly stepping through doors by the power of God. They are taking initiative. We need to pray that more women embrace their role as advocates.

This is not a “me-fest.” It is important that we follow the example of Jesus who advocates with grace.

This is not to say injustices inside and outside the church do not still exist. The reality is that they do (right under our noses). We need to visibly continue to speak out against all injustices. As always fervent prayer warriors are needed to pray and keep praying now more than ever. Why? The truth is some churches are not advocating for women. Although the non-advocate church may be shooting themselves in the foot to under utilize the gifts (in some cases) of more than half of their congregations (which is by the way so unwise)….the painful part is that they are also wounding many called and gifted women.

God has called (men and women) to build HIS church. Let us run the race set before us with tenacity and perseverance. As leaders we can be strong, visible advocates for women.  The church is still the place God uses to build community and challenge the family. It is the place of influence. It is a New Day! Women are pushing the confining boundaries. Advocates are calling out systemic injustices that have been unopposed for too long.

JESUS is the only ONE who can make a crooked path straight.
Run to Him!
Run with Him!

Women it is time that you come forth out of obscurity into the marvelous light of the Kingdom of God. It may take some time to see entire churches becoming visible advocates of women at all levels of leadership… But we can intentionally head in that direction. This is the hour to get involved in the mission of advocacy. To build the Kingdom of God together…side by side… Men and women collaborating as servant leaders.

We have so much to celebrate!
Run the race with the Advocate whose name is above every name.

JESUS CHRIST is the Ultimate Advocate!
Will you join the mission of advocacy? God is calling the church to advocate.
How will you respond? Time will tell.

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