I knew about Him through religion but not through the eyes of relationship. Raised in a very patriarchal household…God was more of a taskmaster than a friend. Women were inferior. It was passionate grace that led me to Christ and passionate grace that led me to become the first woman pastor in my family, even though women were non-existent in positions of leadership in my circle of influence.
I recently bought the movie, The Passion of the Christ. Seeing it at home gave me a different perspective. It is one of the most well made movies of the ministry, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Passion radiates throughout the movie.
Passion is very seldom talked about in the church; maybe because often it is tied up with so much worldly baggage. However, it is godly passion that compels us to keep going in spite of what others think or say. It is passion that people hear in our voices that causes them to listen. It is passion that propels us to act when we see injustices of any kind in our midst. It is passion that causes us to stay when everyone has left. Passion was what brought me to Christ and revealed to me my purpose in ministry. It is also passion that keeps me in ministry despite the obstacles in life.
I have learned in my journey that:
- Passion is what we need when we are in pain.
- Passion is what we need in times when nothing makes sense.
- Passion is what we need when our flesh says give up and our spirit says hold on.
As we approach Easter, we all need to have our passion level checked. We need to be reminded that people misunderstandings are not always an indicator that things are wrong with you.
The disciples did not fully understand the Passion of Jesus. It was much later that they became aware of what He was trying to tell them all along.
The women who surrounded the ministry of Christ . . .who were the present at the cross . . . saw the stone rolled away at the tomb and saw and spoke to the resurrected Christ were the ones who carried the story to men. Women who were not valued or affirmed by society were elevated in and through Christ.
So many times we furiously contend with people for affirmations when it is God who calls and opens doors that no man can close. We seek to be accepted by others when it is God who anoints and appoints.
Waiting is hard but often necessary in our journey as believers. The 120 were comprised of women and men who waited for the promise of the Holy Spirit. Waiting to see and witness the day of Pentecost.
Let us continue to share our stories with Passion. Let the church arise to proclaim the message of the cross to men and women of all races and cultural backgrounds. Women, do not stop telling your stories. This is not the time to keep silent. Let us announce without reservations that there is forgiveness by the Blood of Christ… Let us be united in our mission to be Disciples of Christ who are living passionately as testimonies of grace and love.
* Passion is not timid.
* Passion is compassion, mercy and justice all rolled in one.
* Passion is contagious and compelling.
Stay in the race my sisters and brothers. Run the race that is set before you. Don’t fear. Living Passion will open doors in time. God’s time not yours. He will make a way. Haven’t you heard? He makes rivers in the desert. That is Living Passion. Tell us your story. Tell us how we can continue to affirm you in your calling. Tell others about what we are doing. Spread the passion by subscribing and telling us your comments below.
Together, as men and women we can be a united voice, proclaiming the Good News of the gospel in living passion that compels others to follow.