CBE Conference

Post a Comment » Written on August 10th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories
The following post is from a woman I met while attending the CBE International Conference in Pittsburgh.  Ruby is a member of Crossroads Covenant Church in Greeley, Colorado and joined the Covenant in 2002. What a pleasant surprise to sit down at dinner and run into a fellow Covenanter Ruby Lindblad and her family.

Submitted by:
Ruby Lindblad

I recently attended a Christians for Biblical Equality conference in Pittsburgh, PA July 26-28. Every time I attend a CBE conference I experience an array of emotions and this conference was definitely not an exception. I experienced joy, love, thankfulness, excitement, anger, sadness, and even depression. It’s hard to deal with this many emotions in such a few days and I felt the effects of it on my whole being the week following.

I was joyful and thankful during worship times feeling the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit who gave me encouragement that I can do what God has called me to even though I am a woman. “I can do this through Christ who gives me strength.”

I was educated and given insight on several Biblical passages that have been very controversial in generations past and still are today in the 21st century!
In North America it is so totally unbelievable that there are people who believe they can overrule God by limiting the gifting of all females. I do not know the reason for this. It brings to mind the scripture, “confessing themselves wise they have become fools ….”

I was deeply saddened when I attended workshops and heard the extent that patriarchy has abused women, girls, and boys in third world countries. Although I knew this existed, it became so real when I listened to a survivor talk about the abuses that are currently happening. I hurt for these people suffering from this abuse. I felt anger toward any authority that would allow these conditions to persist. I felt like praying for the God of the Old Testament to come to eliminate these people causing this suffering.

I saw the hurting people from Cambodia who cried out in prayer when they found out about the changes going on in their government. I felt the hurt of these people.

I was encouraged by Lee Grady’s talk giving support that women must be courageous to do what God wants us to do. He gave examples of women in the Old Testament who were courageous. He also gave examples of women who are being brave for God in the 21s century. It was exciting to hear about these women.

I was encouraged when I heard about the effects of Christianity on these abusive cultures. I felt happiness when I heard a pastor and his wife were teaching Biblical gender equality in their church in Africa in efforts to rid the culture of abusive ways. I was happy to hear about CBE’s instrumental roles in this church and other international Christian churches.

I was encouraged when I attended the award ceremony where I heard about more people who have devoted their lives working for Biblical gender equality and justice. I was happy God has called these people to this passion.

I share this passion with these people and that is why I am an active member of CBE. I want to do my part in getting rid of any form of gender abuse. I have been called to work in my circle of influence bringing awareness of the subtle abuse that goes on in Christian churches. It is subtle in my environment in the light of the stories I heard from the people I met at this conference. I do feel somewhat ashamed of ever feeling I have been abused by the Christian church, but the fact is I have. Abuse in any form is abuse.

This is my motivation to partner with CBE in working with gender equality justice issues. My prayer is for the time to come when there is no longer a need for CBE. In the mean time we all have work to do. Will you join me in this endeavor? I know there are a lot of women and even men hurting in silence because the Christian church has told them they have to fit into roles in which thy don’t fit. I know because I suffered in silence for 18 years. Praise The Lord the past is behind me and I have been changed through the ministry of CBE!!

For more information, please feel to contact me at rubylindblad@yahoo.com

If you would like to purchase copies of CBE’s conference recordings, visit this link: http://www.equalitydepot.com/2013pittsburghconference.aspx


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