21st century moms are making their mark. Today we see moms planting churches, preaching, evangelizing and teaching just to name a few. We see them writing books, homeschooling their children, or working in corporate America. Moms are on boards, commissions, and executive leaders. They are behind the scenes and visibly up front. Moms are bravely serving our country in all branches of the military.
Moms are doing so much more than managing a home. (FYI…stay at home moms are unsung heroes). Raising children is very hard work.
Moms are professors in our seminaries, universities, public and private schools. They are students and they are always mentoring teachers. We are indelibly grateful for the numerous contributions mothers continue to make in the world and in the church.
We celebrate moms who have suffered loss, especially those who have lost children. We celebrate moms who have had to do it alone. Single moms we celebrate your tenacity and spirit. Widows we uphold you.
Thank you moms for all you do. Your labors of love have not gone unnoticed. We celebrate all moms… Moms of all colors and cultures. Moms who continue to sacrifice for others. Moms who are in nursing homes.. Moms who are disabled or suffering through an illness we encourage and uplift you.
Your mom may have passed away but her memory lives on through you.
Let us pray for moms today. Let us celebrate all they bring to us. Blessings to all moms wherever you find yourselves today. We thank you and salute you for all you do..
Rev. Gricel Medina
CBGE Chairperson
I really enjoy reading all you write Rev. Medina
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05.10.13 at 9:07 pm