As I write today we’re at the end of our Fall Break at Rain Forest International School (RFIS) and the Parent Run School (PRS). Michelle spent the week at the beach with friends, the boys and I hung around home and Ron kept his normal work schedule. It is campaign season in Cameroon as presidential elections are Oct. 9. We’d be most grateful if you will join the many Christians who are praying regularly for peace to reign over the election process throughout this month.
For September praise God with us for:
1. Praise God that a replacement Math/Science teacher, Ellen Ellison, will be coming out to Yaoundé soon to fill in for Samantha Barron (see #2 below) for the rest of this semester. Ellen, a recent university graduate, is a “missionary kid” from Japan.
2. Praise God that Sharon Davis has moved Sept. 12 up to Bamenda to live on the Baptist mission and begin working full time with the Torchbearers Foundation. She and all her stuff arrived well; she’s settled in and getting well adjusted to life and work in Bamenda.
3. Praise God that Ron and the crew have made good progress on getting the roof on the Prayer Chapel. Like the chapel itself, the roof design is unique.
4. Praise God that Ron and the workers were able to get the bells and alarm system up and running at the school, complying with safety regulations The students will be treated to fire drill and lockdown drill the first week after Fall Break
5. We were pleased to host Ordained Covenant Pastor and Veterinarian Lorraine Beaumont from CA along with 3 students of veterinary medicine. They are here on a mission trip to work with Doug Lewis, a missionary with the Baptist mission in the Northwest who ministers to the Fulani people through veterinary care of their livestock. Ron picked them up at the airport on their arrival, and they stayed in our guest house. We’ll be excited to hear how their time went up north when we host them again on their way back out of Cameroon. Maybe God will use this to call the students into missions. Yes, veterinary medicine is needed for building relationships and meeting felt needs among people groups who have not yet chosen to follow Jesus.
For October pray with us for:
1. October 9 will be the presidential election in Cameroon. Pray for peaceful election process and acceptance of the results.
2. Please pray for Covenant Short Term Missionary and RFIS Math/Science teacher Samantha Barron who is currently in the US to join her family as her mother was diagnosed with cancer.
3. Continue to pray for my friend and her family. Recently her husband showed such promise, saying “no” to the gods & traditions of his mother. But yesterday my friend was devastated as she showed me the marks of his physical violence against her – for the first time in their 6 year marriage. Pray he’ll be transformed by the Holy Spirit (he is a 1st generation believer).
Thank you for remembering us in prayer