It’s retirement time for many of our friends, particularly those serving in Central African Republic and on the East side of Cameroon. One couple returned to the US earlier this year. And at the start of Sept. 2 more couples left Central Africa for the last time.
We celebrated their retirements with a picnic after church.
Roy & Aleta Danforth have served in Congo and Central Africa since the mid 70s. Aleta’s a nurse, and Roy an agriculturalist. Together they’ve impacted nutrition and health of thousands. They’ve communicated the gospel in multiple languages.
Tim and Ann Wester have servied since the mid 80s in Congo and Central Africa. Dr. Tim has impacted the health of thousands. Ann has done translation work and education, to name a couple of her responsibilities.
Roy has planted lots of fruit trees at RFIS. They’re marked with common and scientific names.
On a personal side, the Danforths were both in our wedding and Aleta was present for the births of 2 of our 3 children. And Dr. Tim delivered our youngest. We have loved living and working with both of these couples and their families over the course of our time in Africa. And we have enjoyed deep friendship with them, like family; brothers and sisters in Christ and in service to our Lord.