Marathon Men

Ben, Nuri and Caleb off to a great start of the Marathon

A few of the Running Club members took up the challenge to participate in a marathon during the mid-semester break!As it was the first ever Douala marathon sponsored by City Sport store and Asics (sports equipment and footwear company), there was no entrance fee. They just had to get themselves there. So Ben and a friend took a bus to Douala and stayed with a class mate whose parents live in Douala. A teacher, his Cameroonian friend and another class mate also participated in the marathon.

Teacher, Caleb and a friend all finished the marathon along with Ben

These images came from the marathon’s facebook page. What a great chance for these guys. The teacher, Ben and one of his class mates completed the marathon. Two of the guys had intended to only complete 1/2 marathon, but went 30 km (instead of 21).  They were sore, but made great memories together.

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