December Prayer Update


Praises for November


  1. Thank you for praying for Joy Pruden.  She has her e-ticket to return to Yaounde Dec. 2 (leaving Canada Dec. 1).  Sarah D. who has been teaching her English classes in her absence, has been doing very well.
  2. The answer to our need for one of the 3 empty shipping containers (that we paid for) to be delivered seems to be “no”.  None of them was where it should be when we tried to arrange for transport.
  3. Though the concrete pump was not available for us, the concrete was delivered and the floor was poured by the wheel barrelful with the aid of a ramp.  See details on the construction blog.
  4. Korean student Joy and her family have moved back to Korea Nov. 20.  They continue to need prayer for a job, place to live, and Christian friends for Joy.


Prayer Requests for December


  1. Pray the students finish this first semester well and in good health.  (a bad cold has been going around)
  2. Pray for continued good progress on the duplex construction.  The 2nd side of the duplex is being done without the 4th container.
  3. Pray us safe travels as we go to Gamboula, CAR over Christmas break (Dec. 21 to early Jan.).
  4. Continue to pray for our friend Moses’ daughter Betsy.  She had surgery for bone infection (related to the sickle cell disease).  Pray for her healing and that Moses’ family will find a relative to come help with household chores so he can get back to work earning money to support the family and medical bills.
  5. Just today (Dec. 5) Ron was bitten by a stray dog that wandered into the school compound.  We got him to the French clinic and then to the “Centre Pasteur” for rabies shots.  Tomorrow a vet will come look at the dog, which is now tied up at school.  Pray for healing, relief from pain, and that there will be no complications.  Very thankful that none of the students were bitten!


Thank you for praying for our ministry in Cameroon,


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