When the Bite is Worse than the Bark

A stray village dog got into the school compound today.  Many of the students reported seeing it wander about the campus in the morning.  It was calm, not bothering anyone.

Local dog wanders in to the campus at Rain Forest International School

Ron approached it cautiously, to try and coax it out of the campus.  Suddenly, without so much as a sneer, let alone bark or growl, the dog bit Ron.  Once he was bitten in the finger, and a nice big chomp on the forearm.

Several fairly deep wounds in the forearm – front and back, and one in the finger (not pictured)

Fortunately a couple of the school staff are trained in first aid, so Mrs. Anderson (Director) and Miss Edwards (Music Teacher) got him cleaned up and bandaged.  Then Dan & Karen Carlson took him for a drive.  They stopped to pick me up (I was home getting errands done), and off we went to the French Clinic.

Dan visits with Ron at the French Clinic – waiting for the color to return to Ron’s face before the doctor does any more work on the wounds.

At the French Clinic his wounds were scrubbed again.  The doctor decided not to stitch the wounds shut, just in case of infection – they need to be able to drain.  Then they said we need to go to the Centre Pasteur for rabies shots.  No, we are not vaccinated against rabies, though it was recommended.

Rabies Center door at the Centre Pasteur instructs that “Rabies kills.  Avoid it”  First rule, do not get bit!

Just 2 days ago I spent a few hours at Centre Pasteur getting my yellow fever shot updated.  So I suspected we were in for a long wait.  HOWEVER, when you walk up to the information desk announcing “Mon mari a ete mordu par un chien inconnu” (My husband was bitten by an unknown dog”) they rush you through the process!  The nurse in the Rabies Office was late for a meeting, but stayed to give Ron the shots while I paid at the cashier.  Within 45 minutes we were done!

And that gave us time for a nice lunch out — grilled fish and fried plantains at one of the many road side stands conveniently located just outside of Centre Pasteur.


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