A New Year with New Opportunities and Challenges



As we enter 2017 there are new possibilities and new challenges that face each of us no matter where we live or what we do.  As I think about my challenges for this year, I can become discouraged …

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Anticipation – renewed

Sometimes life does not go as we plan. We all know this and have plenty of examples to share in our lives.  For the last few years the opening of the UBAC hostel has happened even though at times we …

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Anticipation – part 2

As I look out of my classroom window each day I see two star fruit trees.  These have grown steadily over the last four years and have begun to produce fruit in fairly large quantities.  As I see the trees …

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Anticipation of …

As December begins, my Advent candles are out and today they will be joined by Christmas decorations as we prepare for Christmas.  Advent is the time in the church year when we anticipate the birth of Christ.

This year at …

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Giving Thanks

In the United States it is Thanksgiving Day.  In Cameroon we have just ended the season of Thanksgiving in the church.  On Sunday we will show our thanks to our pastor with a special offering.



Indeed Jeff and …

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Laughter is GOOD Medicine

Sometimes life is hard. It just is.  But there is also a cure for this given in the Bible.  It says in Proverbs 17:22,

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine   

There is also a saying that says “laugh …

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Testing Times

As a teacher when I think about the word “testing” my mind goes to paper and pencil assessments.  Since I have spent three of my last four Saturdays giving standardized tests for students in Cameroon this is a …

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Winds of Change

We are coming to the end of rainy season in Cameroon.  The change of season is often marked by especially violent storms with lots of electrical activity and wind.  We have “lost” numerous electronics due to these storms and on …

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A Time to Mourn, A Time to Pray

This past week has seen Cameroon on the world news as a result of tragic accidents.  First there was a major bus crash on the Yaounde -Douala road which appeared to be the result of buses trying to pass slower …

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Growing yeast and individuals at RFIS

Earlier this week my biology class had to design an experiment to investigate a factor that could impact the growth rate of yeast.  Each group designed their own experiment, including choosing the factor to explore and how to measure its …

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