Lakeview Community Church, Tarpon Springs

Picture2We are so grateful for the great time we had this morning at Lakeview Community in Tarpon Springs.

Thank you pastor Peyton Johnson. Thank you everyone for welcoming us very well and joining us on this journey toward Japan.

picture5Our …

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This morning at Faith Covenant, Saint Petersburg – Project Japan

IMG_2626We are very thankful for the wonderful opportunity we had this morning at Faith Covenant Church in Saint Petersburg, Florida. We were very welcomed by everyone. Thank you!

We had a chance to play a few songs, introduce ourselves, and …

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A simplidade do Evangelho. A simplicidade de ser.

evangelho simplesA simplicidade do Evangelho é o encontro humano no chão da vida. É em última análise um convite a ser um “Jesuisinho” andando pelas ruas cinzentas e esquinas geladas desta existência acolhendo a todos aqueles que ninguém quer acolher, abraçando …

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Setembro 2014 – Você já encontrou alguém que parecia ser familiar?

Coincidência: algo que acontece por acaso de uma forma surpreendente ou notável

“Coincidência é a maneira de manter o anonimato de Deus.” Albert Einstein

Quando estávamos na reunião anual da Covenant em Chicago, nós conhecemos a sept4Marge, uma senhora muito …

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September 2014 – Have you ever met someone who seemed familiar?

Coincidence: chance happening: something that happens by chance in a surprising or remarkable way. 

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Albert Einstein

When we were at Annual Meeting/Gather in Chicago, we met Marge, a beautiful mature   sept4woman who looked …

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Agenda Projeto Japão & atividades – Setembro

Se você estiver próximo a um destes lugares nestas datas, nós convidamos você a vir conhecer mais sobre o Projeto Japão ou participar de uma de nossas atividades em setembro. Estamos ansiosos para vê-lo lá!

7 de setembro – Visita 

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Agenda Project Japan & activities – September

If you are near one of these places on these dates, we invite you to come hear more about Project Japan or join one of our activities in September. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sept 7 – Visiting

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Bon Secours – ministry at a nursing home

photo_nursing home2This morning, we had the privilege to join Jane and Buddy and visit the Florida nursing home called Bon Secours. (That means “good rest” in French).  Jane is a dear friend and sister from Faith Covenant church in Saint Petersburg, …

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Fourth Friday Meeting – Stop by, if you like!

photoThe only Bible the world will read is the daily life of Christians and what the world needs now is an updated version!  Dwight L. Moody

What is the definition for parables?

  1. A simple story used to illustrate a moral

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Agenda Tampa – Fourth Friday Meeting

Hello All –

We’re excited that Fourth Friday has popped up again.
Topic this week: PRAYER – Do our posture and words matter?

We’ll be looking at this passage from Luke 18:11-13

“The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, …

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