April 2011 Prayer Update

Praise God for these blessings in March:

1. March 8 was International Womens Day and I had the joy of celebrating it with 3 Congolese refugee women who have been through some very difficult circumstances and who give all glory to God who sustains them day to day.

2. We are nearing the end of Spring Break which has been a nice change of pace for the kids.

3. Covenant Missionary Fellowship at the ocean was excellent. Pastor Brian Wiele spoke on and gave practical lessons on loving the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength, and loving others as oursleves. We had some good connections with colleagues from the US, France, Congo, Kenya and CAR. And of course, the food was wonderful and time on the beach was relaxing and fun. Our 3 were the only kids there, but some of their friends came by who were on vacation nearby, so there was plenty of fun in the sun for them too.

4. At the Rain Forest International School Ron has made lots of progress on fixing up the parking area, making it larger and building a retaining wall along the lower side. Paul Noren & Roy Danforth, here after Covenant Fellowship, helped him with more landscaping the last days of the month.

5. God seems to be lining up several ducks in a row toward the construction of student and staff housing on our Covenant/Free Church property adjacent to RFIS. While no concrete project is yet approved, we are exploring interesting possibilities, so pray with us through planning and details.

Pray with us for these things coming up in April:

1. Sharon Davis, short term missionary for community development, arrived April 2. Pray for her adjustment to culture and new position here. Pray we can find her a French tutor. She has been in France since January, but will need to keep working at it as she gets more involved in ministry here.   Pray also for her as she contacts organizations in Yaounde doing ministry in community development.

2. Pray that as the 4th quarter of school begins, staff and students will finish well.

3. Pray for the students in the hostels and for hostel parents who must balance love and discipline with so many kids.

4. There seems to be a cholera epidemic in Yaounde. Pray for the children of this city to stay healthy; for families who have already lost loved ones to cholera; the city water system is getting cleaned up – pray that families practise good clean water habits.

5. Pray God’s protection from bad guys. In the last few months there have been a few robberies in our area.

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