Rainforest’s Revenge

Umbrella tree at RFIS


It happened again!  Another tree has fallen at the RFIS campus.  The other day Paul Noren and Ron had noticed that this beautiful Umbrella tree was leaning, and that it would fall eventually.  They thought about cutting a branch, but seeing that if and when it falls, it would land in an open area, they decided to leave it alone.  I had taken a picture of that tree because of its beautiful leaves. 

Umbrella tree leaves


The very next day, Sunday morning around 7 A.M. Ron got a call from one of the night guards at RFIS — a tree had fallen in the night, and it landed on the tractor Ron had parked in that open area.  Oops. 

Umbrella tree fallen on the tractor


Fortunately there was very little damage to the tractor; only bent hydrolic hoses.  Thankfully, the tractor is still fully functional. 

Between the tree falling on the wall and now one falling on a tractor, one might wonder if the rainforest is taking revenge for all the deforestation that took place to build RFIS.  Sorry forest, we’re replanting as many trees as we can, as quickly as we can.

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