Retreats in the Rain Forest – guest post

And now, a guest post from missionary colleague and friend Carolyn Stoker…
(She said it well and used mostly my photos anyway! 🙂  )

Retreats held in the Rain Forest!

A couple of weeks back I asked you to pray for the retreats that were held in Cameroon for our students and staff.  Thanks  so much for praying – both retreats went well.  I am excited to share some of what happened.

The high school students and staff went to a new location and found that the hotel staff was very accommodating and the space worked well for them.

The students were able to engage in fun activities

and times of worship and sharing together.

In addition they had a number of chances to explore types of learning not covered in the normal classroom.  One of these activities was a Survival challenge.  The teams had to build a fire and boil water for three minutes,

catch, clean, cook and eat 5 fish,

and build a shelter to live in.

They had just over an hour to do this and unfortunately there were no survivors (as in none of them finished all the tasks.)

The Middle School students took a trip to the Mercy Ship in Douala where they renewed their friendships with the students living on that ship who had visited RFIS a few weeks earlier.

For them another highlight was cooking out-of-doors in pits dug in the ground.

Apparently the food was good and they had a great deal of fun.

Spiritual Retreats are a great time for students and staff to get to know each other in a different setting, to do fun activities together, and to grow spiritually together.

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