Celebrating Semester’s End

Last day of the semester!! And at RFIS we know how to celebrate.

The day begins with Community Service projects. All the students go out to serve the community.  Some to the Blind School, some to local schools, some to nearby orphanages, medical clinics or hospitals. They work for a couple hours cleaning, landscaping, performing drama, skits, singing carols, whatever has been requested and arranged in advance.


Then students return to campus for a game, lunch and then talent show.  We have some great talent at RFIS!

One of many musical numbers in the talent show
One of many musical numbers in the talent show
"... there were never such devoted sisters..."
“… there were never such devoted sisters…”
One crazy fashion show
One crazy fashion show
Big sister flew in all the way from USA to participate in the talent show with her brothers.
Big sister flew in all the way from USA to participate in the talent show with her brothers.

Finally the day winds down with exchange of gifts and reveal of “Secret Angels” For the last 3 days of class students and staff who chose to participate exchange small gifts with someone whose name they drew out of a hat. On the last day a final gift is given and this time it is signed so each person knows who their secret angel has been.

Secret Angel gifts waiting under the tree.
Secret Angel gifts waiting under the tree.

Meanwhile my job on that day is to prepare report cards, print them, stuff them into envelopes. We always pray the technology works on that crucial day. Thankfully it did, albiet slowly. So I was at least able to watch the talent show.  By the end of the day we’re all ready to embark on a couple weeks of vacation time.

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