Not Just a Christmas Program

RFIS is not just a school for the children of missionaries. It is at times the hub of activity for the missionary and local community. One such occasion is the school play in Spring.The other is the Christmas Program.

RFIS High School Choir
RFIS High School Choir

This year’s Christmas Program featured not only the High School Choir but the younger children too. For openers the Preschoolers sang, led by their beloved teacher, Covenant missionary, Heidi Boeckel.

Preschool students perform in song and "musical instruments"
Preschool students perform in song and “musical instruments”

Then the high school choir presented part of a Christmas cantata and a few other festive songs.  This semester Covenant missionary Jeff Stoker not only accompanied the choir but was instrumental in teaching much of the class.

Jeff Stoker at the piano, Janet and another teacher helped beef up the alto and tenor sections
Jeff Stoker at the piano, Janet and another teacher helped beef up the alto and tenor sections

The final presentation was from the elementary students, who attend classes at a school called “The Greenhouse” where young things grow before entering the Rain Forest (RFIS).  Three times a year, including December students, home schooled in villages where their parents serve, come to Yaounde for “Joint Learning Sessions” with the Yaounde based Greenhouse students.

Elementary students presented a musical performance
Elementary students presented a musical performance about a busload of students stranded at a radio station

This energetic group of children learned several songs and Scripture verses that they performed marvelously.  The RFIS Drama class participated in the Greenhouse program as radio station employees hosting a busload of students stranded by a storm.

Drama class added to the elementary students' performance
Drama class added to the elementary students’ performance

Ron and the crew had set up as many chairs as they could get into the auditorium. The house was packed.! Because you see, a Christmas Program isn’t just for parents, the whole missionary community, including those in from out of town, attend. RFIS is not just a school, it is the hub of community activities.

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