Thanksgiving Weekend in 3 Parts

Thanksgiving weekend was packed with fun — While Cameroonians do have a way of giving thanks particularly at harvest time, they do not, of course, celebrate on the same day or in the same way we Americans do.   At RFIS, with so many American students and teachers, we do get 1/2 day off from school on Thursday, and no school Friday for students.

Part 1: Thursday

After 1/2 day of classes most all the Americans celebrated in their own homes, with friends, missionary and Cameroonian. Here, we had a progressive dinner with our neighbors.

Thanksgiving dinner buffet
Thanksgiving dinner buffet

Part 2: Friday

On Friday the students did not have school, but the staff had 1/2 day of Professional Development.

The kitchen staff learned a new recipe — notice Mary (right) ended up making powdered sugar with granulated sugar and a grinding stone! (Yes, we can buy powdered sugar here, but this was an emergency solution).


Non-teaching staff learned new things on computer


While teaching staff learned stress reducing skills like how to say ‘no’ to too many good things


Part 3: Saturday

Saturday at RFIS there was a fund raiser volleyball tournament .


Funds were raised to assist Mama Pauline with her ministry to street kids


Mid-way through the tournament her ministry was explained in a presentation to the players.


It was a great way to end a weekend of Thanksgiving.

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