A Bird in the Hand…


That’s the expression: “A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.” Well living in the rain forest … or what’s left of it as the homes for forest creatures are gradually replaced by homes for humans… we see and hear lots of birds. I’m no birder, but friends who are tell me they’ve seen over 30 species of birds in our little woods just within an hour or less.





Sometimes these beautiful winged beings accidentally wander into one of the school buildings. They usually fly around close to the ceiling, try to escape through screened windows, and have a hard time getting down low enough to get back out the door.


The other day one such bird knocked himself out trying to escape the auditorium. French teacher Mr. Nka rescued him, placed him gently in the shade of a bushy fruit tree near the prayer garden and not long after, the bird gathered up the strength to fly away.

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