International Day

Int'l day slide

One of the  many joys of working in an International School is the many nations represented by the students and staff.

Flag bearers prepare to enter
Flag bearers prepare to enter the auditorium

Each year we celebrate those nations on International Day.  At the morning assembly students carry in flags from the countries of their birth, their passport, or just the place they call “home”.

Countries represented by flags on stage
Countries represented by flags on stage

This year we had US, Canada, Cameroon, S. Korea, Central African Rep., Democratic Rep. of Congo, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, Brazil, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten more. Students and staff give presentations of their country or region.

South Korean presentation
South Korean presentation
Canadian presentation
Canadian presentation
African presentation - skits demonstrating cultural differences between African and N. American/European cultures
African presentation – skits demonstrating cultural differences between African and N. American/European cultures

What incredible cultural variety we get to experience every day at Rain Forest International School!

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