A mission trip to Africa over summer vacation is way easier to do when you already live in Africa
This summer Ben and Nate each went on different trips to serve alongside Christians.
Nate went with 3 of his classmates to an orphanage operated by a Korean woman in Ngaoundere. Just getting there and back was an adventure for the boys — they took the train! Yes, there is a train from Yaounde to Ngaoundere. It’s about a 16 or 17 hour ride!
The boys had expected to do physical labor – helping around with maintenance, and occasionally playing with the orphans. There was a team of Korean Christians from Canada at the orphanage.
On their arrival the boys were asked, “Do you speak French?” With French as a required language to study at RFIS, they all know at least some French, though it’s not named among the favorite class for any of the boys. “Good!” the Koreans replied, “You will interpret for us!” So the boys went on village visits with the team, reading evangelistic tracts and translating questions & answers. Isn’t’ that just how God works, using us in our not so strong areas to show His strength.
They spent some of their time playing with the children at the orphanage.
Part of the time they helped with a Vacation Bible School (VBS), and taught English to the children.
And part of the time they took in some local attractions – hiking up the highest point in the area, for example.
Nate came home from his 2 weeks in Ngaoundere with lots of stories, good memories, and saying, “I want to go back there again next summer!”