Friends Help Friends Move

When there’s a need, the missionary community rallies ’round to help.  It’s not like you can rent Two Men and a Truck here.  So those who were able came out on a Saturday to help a family move.  They are moving into our neighborhood and they’re our friends.  And friends help friends move!

Our Friends' New House
Our Friends’ New House

The new house is just a short walk from RFIS, which is good news for the father of the home who teaches there, and for their children who are students there!   The goats belong to their landlord, but make a great picture!

There were several trips using several vehicles to move the family all in one day from the house they’d been renting in town out to the newly constructed (parts of it still under construction) house in the country.

One of many loads in one of many vehicles on moving day
One of many loads in one of many vehicles on moving day

Fortunately there was great weather all day.  And there were cheerful helpers all day too!
(You know, this porch reminds me of a story my mom used to tell of 2 people talking of their dream house.  The one says “I want a house with pillars on the front porch.”  The other says, “Pillars don’t belong on the front porch!  Pillars belong on the beds!”)

One of many cheerful friends who helped with the move
One of many cheerful friends who helped with the move

They did it !!  Everything got moved in one day!  Moved OVER to the house, that is, it’ll be a while before they’re really settled in.  Funniest moment for me:  A phone call from those on the packing up and sending end saying the purse of one of the helpers was accidentally packed into one of the boxes!  So they called her phone, and we listened for a box to “ring” — indicating the location of her purse, phone and car keys!  I had just put down the box when it started ringing!

boxes, trunks, suitcases, boxes and furniture!
boxes, trunks, suitcases, boxes and furniture!

This move happened on a day that electricity was cut throughout the whole city.  As the evening approached, it became urgent to get beds set up for the night — just in case we were seriously running out of daylight in which to work.  So the most complicated loft bed got the attention of every available hand.

Putting this loft bed together was a team effort
Putting this loft bed together was a team effort

Later that night when the power came back, they discovered that electricity was not running through all the outlets.  And others seemed to make cords hot.  So, Ron went over with his handy dandy volt meter to check out the amount of current coming out of the sockets.

Ron checking a power strip with the volt meter
Ron checking a power strip with the volt meter

Everybody’s got different gifts.  We all work together to help each other out.   Oh and what Ron found was that the current spiked from time to time, so voltage regulators are pretty important.  Now if they just get current running in to the kitchen… 🙂

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