Starfruit Break!

From my office window I can see the grassy area between the science / admin building and the library.  In that area there are 2 starfruit trees.  So during break the other day, this is what I saw…

Students gathered around a starfruit tree looking for ripe fruit.
Students gathered around a starfruit tree looking for ripe fruit.

Mr. Noren, Science teacher, is there with them, so I’m not sure if this was a part of the class, but they were searching the tree for ripe fruit just before I took this picture.  It seems there’s a boy tree and a girl tree by the looks of things… This is the other tree…

2014-08 starfruit break 2
Girls gathered around the other starfruit tree.

It’s so good to know that healthy snacks are available for students… as long as they are in season and not all picked yet!

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