Missionary Friends in Exile

If you’ve been following news from missionary friends like Roy & Aleta Danforth, or Josh & Lori Shinar, then you know there’s been a new wave of rebellion in Central African Republic (CAR) and that our Covenant missionaries to CAR are now in Cameroon for a time.

While in exile in Cameroon, some have found new and interesting things to do.  For example, Free Church missionary, Timothy Chapman, who has been working in agriculture alongside Roy Danforth in CAR, is spending a few weeks  landscaping at Rain Forest International School: running brush through the new wood chipper Ron had purchased for the school, making good mulch and spreading it around the gardens and at the bases of young trees on campus.

Paul Noren shows Timothy the nursery at RFIS

Meanwhile, Josh Shinar has found a new temporary vocation as Assistant Physical Education Teacher.  The students are learning many forms of dance, including ballroom dance, swing, square dances and line dances.  His help is much needed, and he seems to be enjoying interacting with the students.

Josh shakes a leg in a European folk dance

We are grateful for extra hands to help with ministries in Cameroon, though we know how difficult it is to be away from their country of service for an indefinite period of time.

Our Nate (red shirt on his knee) in PE class with Josh

So much about the future of Central African Republic is uncertain right now.  And much is uncertain about future ministry of our friends who usually live and serve there.  Please pray for peace to return and for discernment for Danforths, Shinars and the others with whom they serve in CAR.

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