We’ve Started Moving; Is the Lord Moving You?

If there’s one thing we missionaries do often, it’s MOVE!!  Pack and move, pack and move.

This June we’re making a big move. Before moving to Michigan for a year to connect with our ministry partners, we’re moving to the new property where Ron is currently overseeing the construction of a duplex.

Not only are we moving our own household, but the Covenant owned furniture and household supplies that we have available for missionaries who come to Cameroon for a year or 2 has to be moved too.  At one time we had several Covenant missionaries serving in Yaounde, so there is quite a lot of stuff!

Our house (left), duplex (right), and in the yard between is lots of “short term supply” household items being sorted and cleaned for the big move.

And a lot of that stuff has been stored in one side of the duplex behind our house.  Two bedrooms were FULL of furniture etc.  In fact, at one point a couple years ago one room was so full, Ben was the only one who could fit through the doorway!

Paul and Ron had to pry the door open so Ben could squeeze into the room
Ben, the only one who could fit through the door, is up to the ceiling in furniture

Thankfully Paul & Sheryl Noren are here for a few weeks while Paul has some pretty extensive dental work done.  Karl & Mary Noren are in town to get baby Esther’s passport.  Between dental visits and trips to the embassy they’ve been helping us with the move!

The second bedroom – not quite as full as the first

Little by little for several days Karl & Paul took a load a day out to the new property – to the storage containers at the base of the new duplex.  Sheryl and Mary sorted through linens, and kitchen stuff, repacked it into trunks and barrels for the move.

barrels and basins and trunks, oh my!


Mary swept up the emptied out room… you don’t even want to know how much dust and dirt she found in that room!

Last Saturday Ron brought a big truck and they moved almost all the big furniture.

The movers – Paul, Nate, Karl, (Janet in the mirror), Ron with a load ready to take out to the new property

Now all that remains are a few beds, set up for guests.  This April we will have our bi-annual (every 2 years) all Africa Covenant Missionary Fellowship out at the seaside town of Kribi.  We expect to host many of our colleagues as they arrive in Yaounde from Congo, CAR, Sudan and the US.

So you may be wondering why we have so much stuff stored away?  It’s all waiting and available for those we hope the Lord is calling to serve here in Cameroon.  There are opportunities to teach, to disciple, to work in community development, and many other ways.  Is God calling you to come serve him in Cameroon?  If so, we’ll be ready for you!

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