November Prayer Update

 Praises for October


  1. For a great vacation over “October Break” in Mbingo.  Ron and the kids hiked and rode horseback while I got in 2 more sessions of Physical Therapy at the Hospital. 
  2. For Byron Amundsen’s (Covenant Mission’s Director of Administration and Finance) visit to Cameroon from the US.  He arrived with Roy & Aleta Danforth (Covenant missionary colleagues) from Central African Republic by road Oct. 11, then they drove up to see Sharon Davis’s ministries in the Bamenda area.  Roy was able to see the agricultural development that is happening there, and to meet people and see ministries that will be of assistance to his ministry in CAR in the future. They returned to Yaoundé for a couple days of meeting directors of our partner mission, seeing Rain Forest International School, UBAC Hostel, and the elementary Parent Run School.  Byron flew out of Yaoundé for USA 20 Oct.  Praise God that all his travel went smoothly and that he saw whom he needed to see in that time. 
  3. That our friend Moses’ daughter Betsy is responding well to the medications she is taking for a type of sickle cell disease.  Continue to pray her strength.
  4. For news I learned in September shortly before going to Mbingo Hospital, and didn’t have a chance to share with you all.  The 2 men (David and Erik) who had been wrongly imprisoned in Bangui, CAR were released!  In the words of Erik’s dad:  “… this evening (Sept. 25) all the 13 prisoners have been released with out any charges what so ever. It all began with the arrestation of Erik the 25th of March. It has been a long five months, but now it’s over.  Thanks to You All for prayers, thoughts and anything else you may have done.  Keep in touch and Thank You again!


Prayer Requests for November


  1. Joy Pruden, English teacher for grades 8-12 at Rain Forest has left rather unexpectedly for her home country of Canada for memorial services of her grandmother who passed away.  She will be away indefinitely, taking care of some other things while she is home.  Pray for her and for Sarah Daubert, Wycliffe missionary in linguistics, who is taking her classes during her absence.
  2. Pray that one of the empty shipping containers will be delivered so Ron and the crew can go full speed on the construction of a duplex for Covenant and Free Church RFIS staff housing.  We have ordered concrete to be delivered and pumped up to the 1st floor, but the pump is broken.  Pray for a solution.
  3. A power pole holding up the lines that supply power to Rain Forest and 2 hostels rotted and fell (Oct. 21), leaving us in the dark.  Thankful that the school’s generator is functioning, and pray that the power company will have replaced the pole by the time you read this!  Before I was able to post this, the generator caught fire, so… no power again. (Before sending this, power was restored; Praise God for that!)
  4. Pray for Korean student, Joy, whose family has found it necessary to move back to Korea during this 1st semester of her 11th grade year.  She is needed to help with the selling, packing and moving and translating for her parents who speak little French or English.  Having taken all her middle and high school classes at RFIS, she is apprehensive about going to Korean school.  Pray that the Lord will provide Christian friends for her as she is a fairly new Christian and her parents are not believers.
  5. For the seniors at RFIS who are applying to colleges and universities, making decisions about life after high school.  Our daughter Michelle is among them.  Pray for 11th and 12th graders taking exams for college entry.


Thank you for praying for our ministry in Cameroon,

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