Yesterday, I encountered this Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan:
Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptation; and, as you know the weaknesses
Yesterday, I encountered this Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan:
Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptation; and, as you know the weaknesses
As used in The Divine Hours and The BCP:
Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the
Here’s a newsy article about the lineup of church leaders who will pray or speak at Obama’s inauguration events.
Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that he may be known, worshipped, and obeyed
I would like a shot at writing the invocation for Barack Obama’s inauguration. Alas. I was not asked. So I’ve been thinking about it. What would I write and say, if this were my task?
Question for you. As worship …
Prayer Appointed for the Week
Purify my conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in me a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
The prayer appointed for the week
Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through