I keep telling myself this is a little thing, but in fact, it has reaching implications.
I can’t stand it when anyone in the church refers to “singers and musicians” — as if singing well does not require the same …
I keep telling myself this is a little thing, but in fact, it has reaching implications.
I can’t stand it when anyone in the church refers to “singers and musicians” — as if singing well does not require the same …
Check out part 2 of a book discussion over at Jesus Creed: The book is Gifted to Lead, by Nancy Beach. Here’s a bit from the discussion/review today:
At the same time we feel the pressure to perform
Nancy Beach has been a true help to the church at large– teaching us about the power of creativity and the value of collaborative leadership in the worship planning process.
Now she has a new book, Gifted to Lead: The …
Sometimes I refer to the weekly Christian gathering as a “worship event.” I do this to distinguish our gatherings from the larger action we simply call “worship.” Since worship is the giving of whole persons to the love and service …
Scot McKnight posted, today, on the topic of women in church leadership. By the time you read his entry, the comment thread will be dead. So… post your comments here. How has this issue presented itself in your life …
Without the pesky 8 years of postgraduate study, of course. (Thank the Lord for that, I have enough college debt as it is.)
But it is, sorta. People come to your “office” on a regular basis (or a not-so-regular basis, …
I ran across this short article in Leadership Journal online in which Rich Muchow defends his practice of allowing non-Christian musicians to play in worship services.
I figure the ECC community would have some opinions and wisdom about this. In …