Running – knees and things

Neither Jeff or I have been runners for more than a week or two at a time.  However this year we decided that we would join many others in our community to train for a 5K race.  In addition we …

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Friends (of the four hoofed kind)

Last Saturday morning I was reading on my porch and felt like I was being watched.  I looked up to see..

This is Lily (but Lily turned out to be a boy not a girl) so he is sometimes called …

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Celebrating Resurrection Sunday

For the second year we have held a sunrise service on the RFIS campus followed by breakfast for all at our house.

We began by walking up in the semi-darkness to our Easter service, singing hymns of faith, listening to …

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Building Relationships over time

I have a few television shows I like to watch.  One of those is Masterchef Australia.


In this show, contestants are often producing food under a great deal of time pressure.  They cook some beautiful dishes that I would love …

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Building Relationships through shared experiences.

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to attend a luncheon to celebrate International Women’s Day at a local hotel.



I and other RFIS staff members (both missionary and Cameroonian) were invited by the mother of a former student …

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Building Relationships – with Sports

A number of months ago, the staff at RFIS asked if we could have a time of staff football (soccer) each week.  It seemed like a good way for our teaching and non-teaching staff to share an activity since often …

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Thanksgiving Memories

I started this month with grateful remembrances of saints that have gone before.  And as the month comes to a close I would like to remember one other saint who made our first Thanksgiving in Cameroon special.  Moving to the …

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So many lessons over the years…

As I reflect on those who are no longer “with us” that have influenced my life for good, I cannot help but to remember my grandmothers.  They taught me so many “little things” over the years – some of which …

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Games, Fun and Time to talk

One of those who has finished his race is Charlie!  Jeff and I met Bonnie and Charlie early in our marriage.  They handed over the 4 and 5 year-old Sunday School class to us – including two of their kids.  …

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Living Under a Legacy

Some people might think that living under a legacy is a difficulty.  But in my experience it has been a blessing.   Before I even arrived in Congo the legacy of Paul Carlson was providing comfort and direction for me and …

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