Lessons learned at Kribi

Everyone knows that learning is not restricted to a classroom.  We have a multitude of opportunities to learn about the world around us every day.  Last week was spent at the beach in Kribi, Cameroon.  It is a beautiful setting …

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Refreshment … how we long for it.

At Rain Forest International School, the third quarter has just ended but there is still a week to go before the mid-semester break comes.  There are so many things to do and the weather has remained hot and dry.  We …

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Celebrating with Cloth

One of my favorite things about Cameroon is that people regularly buy matching cloth for  a variety of reasons.  Sometimes it is specially printed for the celebrations such as for Women’s Day in March each year or Teachers Day in …

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Resource Sharing

Just recently I have been teaching all my classes various units on Ecology and one of the things we talk about a lot are resources.  We talk about types of resources, resource partitioning, resource depletion, and recycling of resources to …

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Abounding in Grace

Grace is one of the virtues that God asks us to extend to others on a regular basis so that we can remain in fellowship with one another.

It is also a name.

We attend Grace Baptist Church here in …

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Building – Structures and Lives

Change seems to be the one constant in our lives and despite the challenges it presents it is good.  My daily walk to school has become a few steps longer but the view is constantly changing as the new gym …

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Changes …. About Time!

Rain Forest International School moved to its new site more than six years ago and we finally have had built the custom furniture for our reception area.  Our old furniture has served us well in many configurations for at least …

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Treats and Retreats

Somethings just don’t go as you plan!


No one plans for the buses to be late, for the rooms to not be in the buildings you had expected, or the power to be out for the first supper.  But …

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Pressing Forward – On Retreat

It is February and that means it is time to retreat.  In this case retreat does not mean to back away or fall back.   Instead it mean to press forward into relationships with God and each other, while taking a …

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Fun in the Sun

Last Saturday was an example of how RFIS students try to serve their community. Throughout the year the various classes run community events with the goal of providing a service to the community in some way or another.  There are …

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