Category Archives: Uncategorized
Tennis Anyone?
Christmas has come and gone and the decorations are packed away for another year. But the effects of Christmas are still present. There are the pictures of family around our house that remind us of those we briefly saw. On …
Finding Joy in the Memories
On December 1st and 2nd I unpacked our Christmas trunks. As I unpacked I found a host of memories that reminded me of the many opportunities I have to choose joy.
One of the difficult parts of our life here, …
Holding Onto Thanksgiving – It Is Still November!
Even here, in the middle of Africa, Christmas decorations are hung in many homes and the stores are filling with specialty items. And yet, it is still November and I want to hang on to Thanksgiving just a bit longer.…
Where Can Hope Be Found?
Remember with me the last three weeks. There are no more words to say – just images and tears.
A holocaust survivor survives an anti-semetic attack in a synagouge in Pittsburgh, PA. As if survivng once was not enough for …
Be Fruitful!
As I walked up to school through the main part of campus (as opposed to the back door that I usually take) in the rain this afternoon, I noticed how much the trees have grown. Not only are they growing …
Floors – When Renewing Them Makes Sense.
Sometimes what seems like a good idea just doesn’t work out too well. That is true with the floors at RFIS. When the buildings were originally built, there just was not enough money to tile the floors. So we decided …
What IF …. Finding Blessings in the Journey
I first heard this song a number of years ago and it has resonated with me for a multitude of reasons. In the last 2 months it has come to mind again and again, playing in my head.
My heart …
Velocity, Acceleration, and Off We Go!
The school year started with a number of short weeks making it hard to get into the “swing” of things. It seemed like we were just gaining momentum and then another extra holiday happened. Does this sound a bit like …
Here and There – Unexpected Travels and Unending Mercy
Two weeks ago, I was contemplating writing in this space about the birth of my first grandchild. I even got permission to quote the lyrics of a song that related well to my feelings about the experiences we were going …
The Changing Face of RFIS
This past week one my colleagues found the Facebook page where I posted pictures of RFIS back in 2008 – 2012 during the construction of the RFIS campus we currently occupy. He has been busy commenting on these pictures and …