Author Archives: fjmuniz


Life is unpredictable. Today was going to be my catch up day and a time with my women’s small group watching The Prayer Room in French. But I woke up with a migraine and could hardly see or make full Read More

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Small World

Leo Buscaglia said: We live in a small world. Not a leaf falls that doesn’t effect a myriad of things. When we reach out to someone in love and the effect is made – everyone, everything which comes in contact Read More

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Humility in Mission

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the Read More

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Book Review: Abba’s Child by Brennan Manning

I read Ragamuffin Gospel about 15 years ago and haven’t read anything by Brennan Manning since. In the meantime, about ten years ago or so, he spoke at a Covenant Gathering called Midwinter. I remember he had all of us Read More

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French Immersion Experience

Spend 30 minutes or more in French immersion (with your community, a school, Sunday school class, youth group, neighborhood small group, etc). Feel free to show our video in our latest newsletter and then here are some other ideas to Read More

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Book Review: Evidences Invisibles Part 2

A couple blog posts ago, you’ll find the first part of this book review. I finished the book and finally have time to reflect on it!

1) Le couple – Couples
The author talks about the different values that French Read More

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France: First Impressions

When visiting or moving to a new place, first impressions seem to fade after awhile, so here are a few before I forget or before I take them for granted (these are not judgments, just observations!):

1) Dogs everywhere, even Read More

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Book Review! Évidences Invisibles: Américains et Français au quotidien by Raymonde Carroll

In preparation for our big move on September 3rd, I’ve been trying to get my French grammar up a bit so I can test into a level that is closer to my speaking ability. That way, hopefully, I’ll test into
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Two months left! We can smell the croissants…

We are on schedule to leave Chicago on or around September 4th and it is such an exhilarating feeling mixed in with relief and a small dose of healthy fear and anticipation. Many details are coming together – we are Read More

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Niagara Falls and God’s unspeakable waterfall of Love

The 360° Tour

When I visited Niagara Falls for the first time eighteen years ago, I never imagined that I would later bring my whole family back to Canada. I even though I would never get back to Canada. You Read More

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