The Road to Zongo

These two bridges on the road to Zongo can make life interesting.

Can you tell that the first bridge has been repaired? There are nice logs on the Right instead of the twisted beams. And on the left they don’t …

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Beautiful farmland in central Kenya

Today we drove a couple hours NNE of Nairobi to visit the Kandara Covenant Church. The terraced farmland around there is beautiful. I was continuously fascinated by the terraces on the steep land. We also saw creative inter-cropping systems: coffee …

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Moses: I serve a great God

“What are you afraid of and how did God help you with that fear? How did He respond to your prayers? These were the questions Cindy asked the congregation as she taught from Joshua 1:1-9 in Nasir, Sudan. Moses Rick …

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Pete’s Riverboat Reflections

Thursday, we were up and ready to go waiting for James to return from visiting a couple aunts he had not seen in 19 years. He had left before 5h30 to go visit them some distance away. His last time …

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Where is AAA when you need them?

Yes, where is AAA when you run out of gas on a trip, or did we forget to add the coverage for a river trip in Sudan? Maybe we were a bit out of their network of accepted road(boat?) side …

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News from Akobo

**written on 10/25 by Cindy**
We are sitting by the Pibor river just in front of our guest hut. The stars are shining brightly and the full moon is rising with the reflection in the river. Tough life!! We arrived …

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Trip along the River

**written Oct 24th by Cindy**
We are spending the night at Nasir on the Sobat river. We are staying at an Adventist Development and Relief Agency place in big tents with 2 beds and a fan for when they turn …

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Receptions in Sudan

We were overwhelmed with the reception as we arrived in Malakal. First there was a youth choir waiting for us to leave the airport compound. Then another choir a mile further on the way to the church. Finally we met …

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Photos from Malakal, Sudan

What a reception received!

The foot washing is refreshing when the temp is 95.

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On the road again – flexibility always needed

**written on Thurs, Oct 21st**
Yes, we’re traveling again. This time to visit the Evangelical Covenant Church of Sudan (ECCS) and then the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya (ECCK). On Oct 20, we left Kinshasa for Nairobi where we met …

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