Country Orientation

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For a country as small as Ecuador, roughly the size of the state of Colorado, it is extremely diverse. You may have heard there are the 4 main geographic areas- the Coast, the Sierra (highlands), the Amazon, and the Galapagos …

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Getting Our Hands Dirty



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Our hope in coming to Ecuador and partnering with FACE (the community development branch of the Ecuadorian Covenant Church) was to be able to participate in as much agriculture-related activities as possible. We are happy to report that …

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Life at 9000 feet


Hola from Quito, Ecuador!! We have arrived in our beautiful new city as of this past Monday. We are thrilled to be here and have received such a warm welcome. Thank you all for your prayers for our journey (including …

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 Erik-&-Kristina-v5 First of all: we are exceedingly thrilled to report that during our matching opportunity, we jumped almost 8% and have crossed the two-thirds threshold! This is an encouraging milestone and we continue to trust that the momentum will continue. Thank …

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