
 Erik-&-Kristina-v5 First of all: we are exceedingly thrilled to report that during our matching opportunity, we jumped almost 8% and have crossed the two-thirds threshold! This is an encouraging milestone and we continue to trust that the momentum will continue. Thank you to all who have given and affirmed us along the way. You are the best.

Beyond a financial report, we thought we would also share how we are doing as we psychologically and emotionally prepare to move overseas. As the signs of the changing seasons from winter to spring are becoming more and more evident and life is bursting forth vibrantly from the thawed ground, every day feels like one step closer to actually being in Ecuador.

For the past few months every holiday, change of the season, and special event has felt somewhat bittersweet. We are simultaneously eager to get to Ecuador and finally begin ministry there, but we are also acutely aware of the wonderful friends, family, and church that we leave behind. This past holiday season especially, I (Erik) realized that next year would be the first time in my life that I have been away from my family and my childhood home for Christmas. We were glad for the chance to spend another Holy Week and Easter season with our beloved home church, Resurrection Covenant. Holy Saturday’s Easter Vigil has become our very favorite celebration of the church year.

When we got married in 2010, we did not expect to be living in Chicago, much less in the same apartment for 5 years! This season of our life has been a meaningful one to gain a healthy foundation in our marriage, be nearby as one of our nieces and two nephews were born, develop deep relationships with friends who live within walking distance, and have a home-base to return to as we explored God’s will for our lives.

Even though both of us have the “travel-bug” and feel called to live overseas, we are immensely grateful for the support we have received by so many who believe in what we are doing. This support-raising phase of ministry has been a challenging experience at times, but one we feel has been important in solidifying our call, and identity, and community partnering with us. We hope to be intentional during the remaining time that we have here in the States to appreciate all of these blessings that we have.

Thank you for praying for us, for encouraging us, and being our friends. We love you all!!

5 years of living close by to both sets of our parents!

5 years of living close by to both sets of our parents!

A joy to be involved in our niece and nephews' lives.

A joy to be involved in our niece and nephews’ lives.

Countless memories made with these and many other friends.

Countless memories made with these and many other friends.



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One thought on “Bittersweet

  1. Sigh . . . Bittersweet, indeed. We are so thankful to have had you close by for this long but will also celebrate with you when the Lord brings in the rest of your support goal. We love you! Mom/Judy

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