

Happy Thanksgiving! Hopefully your holiday was as full of friends, family, and delicious food as ours was.
In the US, Thanksgiving is followed by some major shopping days to get ready for Christmas. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday bombard us with super sales and demands to consume.
In recent years, a new day has emerged- Giving Tuesday is a new trend of adding a day for giving back after a long weekend of spending. It’s a chance to make year-end donations to non-profit organizations and entities that rely on caring individuals.
The ECC has jumped on this bandwagon and has offered many worthy causes in which to participate: http://www.covchurch.org/giving-tuesday/ One of our favorites is the Covenant Cares catalog which we use frequently for Christmas Gifts (http://www.covchurch.org/covcares/)
Did you know that Erik and I also qualify as Giving Tuesday recipients? The fundraising for our ministry in Ecuador is reaching the halfway point, and it would be great to get over the hill with this campaign! If you’re considering participating in Giving Tuesday, we humbly ask that you’d consider us in your contributions. The link is below.
Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks so much!

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