September 2011 Prayer Update

It’s the time of year when “Back to School” is the rallying cry for parents, shoppers and perhaps reluctant students.  Our children were quite ready to get back to school.  Thankfully they like their classes and seem to have a fresh inspiration to stay on top of the homework.  Even Cameroonian students are getting back to school.  Unfortunately, many families with limited finances have to decide which of their children they can afford to educate.  A year of school plus books, uniforms etc. can cost anywhere from $75 to over $500 per year for elementary and secondary school.  Praise God for the education you received, and pray for those who find it more difficult to obtain. 

For August praise God with us for:

1.  Good transition for missionary families.  Teachers for PRS (Parent Run School – elementary) arrived.  Almost all the teachers for RFIS arrived, though there are still those needing sufficient support to come. School for missionary kids got off to a good start Aug. 11 and Cameroonian schools began Sept. 5.

2.  Michelle’s flight back to Cameroon from Grand Rapids (via Chicago and Brussels) went well!  She arrived well, saying all along the way God provided people at just the right times and places to give assistance as needed.

3.  August 19 Rain Forest International School (RFIS) celebrated 20 years of service helping to keep missionaries in Central African countries by providing for their children’s education.  This was celebrated in style with a dedication of the new campus, complete with ribbon cutting ceremony and naming of the science building after a former teacher.  God’s faithfulness was the theme of the celebration.

4.  Aug. 11-20 hosted Covenant World Mission Regional Coordinators for Africa, John & Letha Kerl and Executive Minister of the Covenant’s Dept. of Compassion, Mercy & Justice, Debbie Blue.  During their stay we had good team building activities and went from a group of missionaries living in the same city to a TEAM.

5.  The Kerls, Debbie Blue, Sharon Davis and I (Janet) went up to Bamenda in the NW Region to work out details for Sharon to begin a new ministry in partnership with Torchbearers Foundation where she will serve as advisor to the staff of this Cameroonian organization.  It has been amazing to watch God pave the way for this new focus of ministry for the Covenant in Cameroon.  Praise God for safe travels, good meetings, and leading of the Holy Spirit.

6.  The Baptist (CMF) Hostel was ready to move into before school started. Work continues in preparation of the land for the new “UBAC Hostel” jointly run by Covenant and Free Church missions.

For September pray with us for:

1.  Please pray for the family of Covenant Short Term Missionary, Math/Science teacher at RFIS Samantha Barron who has returned to the US on short notice for family medical reasons.  (She is healthy, but found it best to be with family at this time).  

2.  Please pray for Covenant Missionary Carolyn Stoker, who is taking on much more responsibility at school in Samantha’s absence.  Pray that a replacement Math/Science teacher will be able to come out to Yaoundé quickly.  If you know anyone who is qualified to teach Math & Science and is willing to come for even a semester, please let us know. 

3.  Pray for Sharon Davis as she moves Sept. 12 up to Bamenda to live on the Baptist mission and begin working full time with the Torchbearers Foundation.  Pray her safe travels and good adjustment to her new home, city, neighbors, and colleagues. 

4.  Pray that Ron and the crew will be able to get the roof on the Prayer Chapel.  Like the chapel itself, the roof design is unique.  Also pray the construction on the Hostel will begin soon.

5.  October 9 will be the presidential election in Cameroon.  Pray for peaceful election process and acceptance of the results.

Thank you for remembering us in prayer.

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