Vacation “Up North” even in Africa!

Summer vacation.  Where I come from (MI) the place to go is… “Up North.”  Swim in lakes, hike in the woods, enjoy the beauty of nature.  Even in Cameroon, a great place to get away from the noise of the city and enjoy nature is… “Up North.”

On our recent trip to the NW Region where the air is cool and it rains every day in summer, we stayed at the Mbingo Rest House at the Baptist Mission. 

And from this former mission house, named “Valley View” we had a great view of – you guessed it, the valley!  The buildings of Mbingo Baptist Hospital were in view when the fog cleared each day.  The view changed all day as the clouds rolled in and out of the valleys below.

Mbingo Baptist Hospital in the valley

With running water and electricity we were quite happy to stay in the warm dry house and work on puzzles, play games or toast marshmellows over the fire.  We also took opportunities to visit a family living on the station whose kids attend RFIS with our kids.  Their dad is a doctor who loves teaching younger African doctors and medical students at the Hospital.

Fellowship around the Sparks table

We hiked in the area soaking in the beauty of rich green hills, steep rocky paths, and village houses dotting the landscape. 

Ron and I attempted to reach one of the many waterfalls nearby, but were caught in a downpour.  I hadn’t been worried about the threatening skies, knowing my backpack held an umbrella and rain jacket.  But when Ron and I found ourselves taking shelter under a tree holding an umbrella, lightening struck instantaneously with a thunder clap, and we decided it was time to get back to the house.  The rain soaked us to the bone.  The next day Ron and Nate had success finding the falls.

Nate admiring a view of the waterfalls

And a highlight for the boys was a horseback ride with the local Fulani “Cowboys.”  We had seen several horses down the hill at the main road, so we got the phone number for one man who brought horses up to ride.  Negotiating payment for a 2 hour ride in Pidgin English with a Fulani man was a new experience for us.  Thankfully there was mutual understanding in the end, and the guys had a great ride. 

Ron, Ben and Nate get ready to ride

Speaking of the end… the weary riders came lamely limping into the house — apparently 2 hours on a horse was just long enough!  And the timing was right too – they stayed dry on the ride, but just a couple hours later the rains came again.

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