Teachers Coming & Going!

There have been big changes in the teaching staff both at Rain Forest International School (RFIS) and at the Elementary level Parent Run School (PRS) already this year.  When a school depends on volunteer short term or long term missionaries for the majority of the teachers, flexibility is key.  Covenant World Mission, being in formal partnership with RFIS, sends missionaries here to teach and administer at the school.   Over Christmas Break, more changes took place.
Mary & Karl Noren

Karl & Mary Noren, having served many years as short term missionaries, returned to Kansas, USA in January to begin the process of application to long term missionary status.  Many students were very disappointed that Mr. Noren would not teach them science this semester.  Besides teaching music at RFIS, Mary also taught piano lessons, and was actively involved in a neighborhood Bible Club.  We miss them and their cute kids.  And we pray they’ll be able to return soon.

Samantha Barron

In late December Samantha Barron arrived to teach Math and Science classes.  With experience at Bible Camp, and teaching students in Chicago, this Northern Michigan woman is well prepared to teach at RFIS!  She hit the ground running:  learning about life in Africa including how to shop, filter water, and watch out for tropical diseases.  All this while also preparing for classes!  Welcome Sam!

Please pray that God would continue to provide excellent teachers for our RFIS students.  Click here for a list of staff needs for the 2011-12 school year.  If you know any Elementary School teachers, retired or laid off, who would be interested in giving a few weeks or months or even a year or 2 of service to children of missionaries, have them contact Mary Santos (mary_santos@sil.org) for more information.

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