Happy Quiet New Years

Grilling on the new barrel grill

Ron got a great idea for a New Year’s Eve party.  Actually it was motivated by a desire to find a quiet place to sleep! 

Missionary friends enjoy the picnic

For New Year’s Eve we invited the missionary community to an afternoon of games followed by a picnic barbeque.  He had made a grill out of a barrel he’d cut in half and welded legs to.  This was a great time to try it out.  Everyone who came brought meat to grill and a dish to pass.  We had a lovely picnic in the pavillion where students have lunch during school.

Mexican Train game

Then when it got dark, we had a campfire at the fire pit Ron had made.  A couple people had brought marshmellows for roasting over the fire – a special treat!  And then board and table games were pulled out for the evening.

Roasting marshmellows at the campfire

At the end of the evening Ron built a huge bonfire  most of us returned home (including myself).  But Ron, Paul Noren, our kids and a few of their friends chose to stay out at RFIS for a campout.  They’d brought tents, but ended up sleeping under the stars.  Well, Ron and Paul found mattresses for all of them, so it was less rustic than you might think.  And Paul & Ron chose to sleep inside one of the classrooms.

Meanwhile, Paul’s wife Sheryl slept over at our house with me.  We stayed up late visiting.  But didn’t get much sleep – the neighbors’ parties and the local bars were quite loud, just as Ron had suspected.  And those who camped out at RFIS slept well, in the peace and quiet of the rain forest.

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