“Bonjour, mon amie!” is always the greeting everyone gets at the Marche des Fruits (fruit market pronounced “marSHAY day fru-EE). It’s also known as the “white womens’ market” because they sell produce that we North Americans and Europeans like to eat.
I just love how they display their produce: lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, melons, onions and leeks, green beans, red beans, mangoes, pineapple, oranges, bananas, mandarines, limes, and papaya to name just a few. They give free samples to tempt me into buying more than I’d intended (for example, the oranges are so sweet, I can’t resist!). Fruits and veggies are clean, no debris around the ground, and things like green beans are already snipped and ready to cook.
Oh, and besides, I enjoy chatting with the ladies. When one gets upset at me for buying produce from another vender, I simply say, “Il faut partager la richesse” or “I gotta spread the wealth around.” After all, I’m everyone’s “mon amie” at the Marche des Fruits.