Special Emphasis Day

And now for something completely different…
Special Emphasis Day. No regular classes. A conference day to focus on a particular topic. This year’s topic: Sexuality.

Students signed in, picked up name tags and back packs.

On arrival at school students did not go to normal classes, but signed in, picked up a name tag, found out which small group they are in, and picked up a backpack specially made and ordered for this special day.

Gift back packs for each student, designed by one of the students

After a time of worship and singing, Rev. Nnoke (father of one of our students) opened the conference with a talk about Biblical Purity.

Large group session to introduce the topic

Throughout the day students attended various breakout sessions on such topics as Tech Temptations, LGBTQ and the Christian, Biblical Manhood / Womanhood, Biblical Singleness, and Puberty. Students also met in their assigned small groups for discussions.

One of many breakout sessions

Other topics covered in large group settings included STDs, recognizing abuse, and a humorous look at “spouse hunting.” All in all it t was a great day, and well received — especially considering such a delicate (and embarassing to some) topic!

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