UBAC Hostel is open again!

Praise God, he provided new hostel parents for the 2017-18 school year and the UBAC hostel kids were able to move in at the start of this school year!

UBAC Hostel resident students, parents. Photo courtesy of residents whose dad (top, left) came to visit.

Thanks to Uncle Carl and Aunt Marcia Elwood for answering God’s call to come be hostel parents this year.

Our residents include:

  • 2 Americans (one from CAR, one from DRCongo),
  • 2 Austrailians (siblings from Chad),
  • 2 Central Africans (siblings from CAR), and
  • 2 Cameroonians (one from Sierra Leone).
  • Two of the residents are seniors, 3 who are in 11th Grade and 3 who are in 10th Grade.

Please pray for our kids as they start a new school year — 2 of the residents are new to Rain Forest International School this year.

If you are interested in supporting the Elwoods click on this link for more information.

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