Celebrating 2016-17

It’s the end of another successful school year at Rain Forest International School! There is so much to celebrate!

Baccalaureate service at the International Church

Toward the end of May and early June the schedule gets pretty full with all the activities celebrating  the end of another successful academic year.

11th Grade Class: hosts of the Banquet (RFIS version of Prom)

In June the seniors take their exams early and then take off for a long weekend on “Senior Trip.” But first, they have a lock-in at school to organize their “Senior Chapel” the following day, plan and execute senior pranks, and paint their designated section of the perimiter wall on the soccer field.




One of many senior pranks done on the lock in.


Chapel service led entirely by the senior class – so much musical talent and testimonies.


The Class of 2017 painted their wall to match their class t-shirts.

Just before the school year we celebrate achievements of our Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers in separate ceremonies. Middle School Celebration takes place during the day, High School Celebration (aka awards night) takes place the evening before graduation. Excellence in athletics, academics, and character are recognized.

Ben, along with classmates, receives an Honor Roll certificate

On the day of Graduation, our seniors are most honored. They start the day with a class / family breakfast, graduation rehearsal, then the big event. This year we had 20 graduates. I wish I could tell you about each one. Among them are those who are intelligent, caring, seeking to follow Jesus, creative, talented, and ambitious.

Graduation ceremony

After the graduation, the school staff hosts a party to further honor the graduates with a gift, words of encouragement, a song and prayer.

Staff sing a blessing over the graduates

The day after graduation all graduates who are interested have display tables in the auditorium as a combined open house. For many this marks the last time to see each other for many years. Report cards are distributed, I had transcripts for grads, and some flew out of Cameroon within hours. It can be an emotionally exhausting time. Those of us who are staying on bond more as we say good-bye to not only the graduates, but others leaving for various reasons.

We celebrate the accomplishments of the year, we celebrate the graduation of the seniors, we celebrate our being a family in Christ, knowing that even if we’re separated in this life, we’ll celebrate with joy in the next.

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