When a Tree Falls on Your Wall

They’ve been cutting trees down in the valley on the other side of the wall.

Today this happened.  Pink Floyd it’s not. We’re gonna need another brick in the wall.

Tree fell through our wall

The guys who’d cut the tree kept talking about “mal chance” (bad luck) that it fell the wrong way and broke the school wall. I think it had less to do with luck and more to do with poor tree felling skills, but oh well. Regardless, the damage is done. Electric cable to our house was along that wall, so we were out of electricity all day.

Looking down the trunk to the base below

After they cut up the branches and cleared the trunk away, it left a huge hole in the wall.

The tree is cleared from the hole and cable being repaired

So I walked up to the hole in the wall, careful not to fall out — it’s a pretty big drop down! Yesterday they’d been more concerned about cutting the tree whose stump is in the lower left corner of this photo below. The trunk is parallel to the wall, with a man standing on it. They were quite proud of themselves for not crashing that tree through the wall. Today they had not expected this tree to be a problem. He claims “the wind” suddenly came up and changed direction of the tree as it fell. Today we have not really had any wind. 🙂 Nice try, guy.

A view through the hole in the wall
Our electrician got us connected again, otherwise I would not be posting this blog tonight!

As if Ron and the crew didn’t have enough work to do with the construction of the gym. now there’s a nice big section of wall to repair.

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