Soccer Season Fall 2016


Our boys love to play soccer.

I love to watch them, take pictures, video them and cheer them on.


Since RFIS starts earlier than neighboring schools, our boys played against club teams — guys who work at soccer every day for hours. They proved to be quite the challenge. But the boys learned good sportsmanship.



Soccer Tournament


The season is short; I think they only played about 5 games before the end of season tournament. Schools were invited to compete in the tournament. The A Team (Varsity) played on the big field while B Team (JV) played on the smaller field.

B Team (JV Soccer) at Tournament
B Team (JV Soccer) at Tournament

One of the teams playing the B Team even brought their own cheerleaders!

Cheerleaders in tutus with hula hoops
Cheerleaders in tutus with hula hoops

There were about 4 teams competing in each of the A Team and B Team competitions.  Down at the basketball courts the Girls Basketball team was competing with about 3 other local teams as well.

So with all those athletes and the spectators, there were lots of people on campus that day.  Everybody needs to eat, have cold drinks and other snacks. So we parents set up concessions, raising funds for special things around the campus.

Concession stand sponsored by Parent Teacher Fellowship of RFIS


Funds raised from previous tournaments have purchased shelters to shade the teams, equipment for the drama department, and the white tables we used at the concession stand (pictured above). Funds raised this year will purchase a few more tables and possibly more needed things for the school.

After all the games, semi-finals and finals, ribbons and trophies were awarded. But first, Drama Evangelism Team presented the gospel through mimes. The staff adviser explains the mimes and points the audience to Christ.

He takes on him the sin of the world
He takes on him the sin of the world
The teams and their friends watch the drama
The teams and their friends watch the drama

After Drama Evangelism it was time to award ribbons and trophies. Coach Cone took the opportunity to let all the teams know that of greater importance than any ribbons or trophies, is to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with him.

Coach talks to all the teams
First Place Trophy awarded to the captain of the B Team
First Place Trophy awarded to the captain of the winning B Team

What a joy it was to “bring home” the Trophy for A Team! After a tough season against club teams, winning the tournament was indeed rewarding!

First Place trophy awarded tot he captain of the winning A Team -- RFIS!
First Place trophy awarded tot he captain of the winning A Team — RFIS!
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